Not seeing it. Have no desire to watch post 911 war propaganda.
Same with BlackHawk Down, Zero Dark Thirty, Hurt Locker, etc etc.
the movie american sniper is breaking box office records and of course there is some irony that a movie about a sniper is released on martin luther king day (who was shot by one).. but of course there is a world of difference between an assassin and a military sniper ... or is there?.
some are making a big stink about it and claiming that "snipers are cowards".
it seems unfair to me.
Not seeing it. Have no desire to watch post 911 war propaganda.
Same with BlackHawk Down, Zero Dark Thirty, Hurt Locker, etc etc.
i was doing some "research" and came across jw articles that all talk about 4026 b.c.e as adams creation.
it even went as far as to state, "there are no actual records of ancient man, his writing, agriculture, and other pursuits, extending into the past before 4026 b.c.e., the date of adams creation.
since the scriptures outline mans history from the very creation of the first human pair, there can be no such thing as prehistoric man.
The Pharaonic dynasties of the Egyptian civilization alone goes back to 3200 BCE, supported by actual historical records. Evidence of Egyptian pre-history dates to around 6000 BCE.
Evidence of ancient Sumerians goes back to 6500 BCE with written records also at 3200 BCE.
Mesoamerica has evidence of maize cultivation by 5100 BCE.
There are/were trees in California over 5000 years old.
They simply ignore facts to support their timeline.
ever had this thought about an upcoming movie?.
and then i would feel guilty for putting my entertainment desires ahead of god's kingdom.. .
Early 80s was the first time I became aware of movies in production due to mentions in popular magazines like People.
I distinctly remember very soon after Empire reading a mention that the next film would be Revenge of the Jedi due out in three years and thinking that Armageddon would be here before then.
dear brothers ans sisters.
i just received this mail in french..(thank you google to have translates it)..this mail is from a still inside brother who encourage to come back.
do you think its a fact or an other urban legend.
Yes, it is a 'so what.' But a still image uploaded with an audio file means nothing.
Also, a thin paperback book in a mans back pocket wouldn't draw any more attention than his wallet.
I find it interesting that the man pictured is wearing what would be considered what a witness would never wear as being overly casual and sloppy, not even to visit a Bethel room or walk in the neighborhood. Why, the man with the demonic goatee is dressed in an appropriate casual polo shirt.
i heard form a reliable source that a kingdom hall consolidation is going to be happening in the us.
currently they are looking at every kingdom hall to see if they could and should sell it.
any kingdom hall that has not been updated and is in a bad location (long driveway, not in a visible location etc...) will be sold.
Wow, this is amazing when it was repeatedly emphasized the need for MORE halls when I went to meetings a few years ago. I then thought they were full of it just looking at the weekly attendance. Yea, maybe in a couple of metro areas in foreign language congregations there may be growth, but I wasn't seeing it in English speaking congs.
dear brothers ans sisters.
i just received this mail in french..(thank you google to have translates it)..this mail is from a still inside brother who encourage to come back.
do you think its a fact or an other urban legend.
im still in and i cant help but feel nervous as more and more changes are coming forward.
i cant help but feel that they are starting to get more hardcore again.
let me explain.
Yes, on unusual occasion movies would be mentioned by name in the magazines. The Omen (a passing mention in a contributed article,) The Exorcist, The Exorcist II (in a news blurb) speaking of the way the content disturbed viewers. E.T. (and Star Wars) in a half-page due to the extreme popularity of the film (people calling hq about it.)
Star Trek II and Time After Time mentioned in quotes from Nicholas Meyer re: meaning of PG rating. Making Love mentioned due to homosexual content shocking for the time.
A few others perhaps, usually mentioned in Watching the World blurbs.
My point though was that movie titles were not routinely (almost never, in my experience) mentioned in talks and certainly were not included in outlines given to speakers.
dear brothers ans sisters.
i just received this mail in french..(thank you google to have translates it)..this mail is from a still inside brother who encourage to come back.
do you think its a fact or an other urban legend.
Holy crap! This made YouTube today. Dude gives specific dates in May, 2010
im still in and i cant help but feel nervous as more and more changes are coming forward.
i cant help but feel that they are starting to get more hardcore again.
let me explain.
Movies you watch, music you listened to (Elder would go through your music) and so on.
This was not everyone's experience. The only time movies were mentioned by name from the platform was when somebody went off script. I know certain scifi/fantasy movies were mentioned as COs and higher ups in the circuit had their pet peeve movies to bug people about, but I know of no talk outline that mentioned movie titles. The only guideline that was mentioned through the years was not watching R rated movies or movies that featured 'demonism' or 'immorality' regardless of rating.
Never had an elder go through my music. If you went to Bethel, yea, that would happen.
i have written a blog post about the dubs and their scorn of modern medicine and rasputin, while simultaneously touting unproven, dangerous cures.. i wonder what it is about a fake remedy that makes jws believe in it or scorn it?.
I believe balance between both modern medicine and homeopathic/dietary methods for true health.
No. Homeopathy cannot and should not exist in any educated society. It is a belief in magic. While of course, diet effects your body and health, there is NO scientific methodology or theory as to how it can possibly work other than placebo effect. It has been disproven COUNTLESS TIMES.